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Thesis step by step

You will find here a description of the process of a thesis in computer science at Litis. This page is written by doctoral students, or former doctoral students, who simply want to share their feelings about the different classical stages of a thesis. However, as indicated in the first commandment of the thesis, the information given here is only indicative. Time periods are given for each stage of the thesis, these periods can be shortened or extended depending on the particular situation. Also, you may not go through all these steps in the order indicated. Nevertheless, this global progression can allow you to position yourself in relation to an average progression and help you to see more clearly where you are in your current work, while allowing you to anticipate a little your future.

This page is only interested in the progress of the thesis, from the first day of your contract to your defense. For everything that happens afterwards, a dedicated page can be consulted by clicking here.

The Beginning

The beginning phase of the thesis can roughly correspond to the first year of the thesis, but a more accurate approximation would be 10 months (if you start your thesis in September/October, that would make the beginning of the thesis until May/June). During this period, your task is to get a feel for your scientific subject, i.e. to understand what is the question/problem to be solved. Depending on your subject and your field, this can be more or less theoretical or more or less practical, which will lead you in one case to read a lot and in the other case to “manipulate” a lot, most likely by doing some programming.

Your second objective for the beginning of your thesis is to familiarize yourself with your working environment for at least the next 3 years. This means getting to know the places and people but also the global functioning of the laboratory and of research in general. More prosaically, you also need to familiarize yourself with your technical tools, whether it is learning a new programming language or a new library, perfecting your French (you are in a French lab, in France, it is better to know some French), or even getting your hand with physical equipment such as robots. It is for all these reasons that it is the right time to do your doctorale formations as it is precisely indicated in the commandment number 6.

Nevertheless, at the end of this first year, don't expect to have done the tour of your subject and to have understood all the corners of it. You may even feel that you have a much bigger problem than you thought and that you don't understand much of what is going on. The important thing is to be familiar with your environment and to have at least one way to deal with your problem. It may not be the right one and you may have already identified several others, but you will have to choose a first path to take to move forward. And don't panic if it's not the right one the first time, that's part of the learning process.

The first contributions

The first experiments/first results

The beginning of the third year

The transition to the writing phase
